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Company details



BIOTECH technology & control equipment GmbH

Altenhofner Straße 24, A-4300 St. Valentin

Tel.: +43 (0) 7435/546 11

Fax: +43 (0) 7435/546 11-10



Commercial Register: FN 136345 h

UID: ATU39129901 

ARA Lizenznummer: 14237


Managing director: Ing. Franz Gerald Millneritsch 



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However, BIOTECH technology & control equipment GmbH (BIOTECH t&c GmbH for short) does not provide any guarantee for the completeness of this information or its suitability for a specific use.


The user assumes sole risk for use of the content provided on this site, which must not be regarded as a substitute for consultation with a knowledgeable adviser. Consequently, any liability on the part of BIOTECH t&c GmbH for possible damages (whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential) that are caused by use of the information available on this website is explicitly excluded in all cases.


Some links on this website refer to other websites that are operated by third parties over which BIOTECH t&c GmbH has no control.


BIOTECH t&c GmbH has not reviewed the content of such websites and consequently expressly declares that use of these websites is at one's own risk.


Data protection

We wish to inform you that your data will be processed and used for the purpose of processing your enquiries in line with applicable national and European data protection regulations.


BIOTECH t&c GmbH keeps your data confidential and will not sell, lease or make the data available to third parties in any other way.